news post

Board of Water Supply external pumper near Recreation Center 7 (Final Update 10/29/2021)

The Board of Water Supply (BWS) is experiencing an electrical issue at one of our Mililani facilities.

  • To ensure continuity of water service and adequate pressures to the community, the BWS will run an external pumper near Mililani Recreation Center No. 7.  
  • There will be some noise from the pumper, with its diesel engine, which will impact residents close to the facility for a few days 
  • Pumper will run to approximately 6:00pm.

The BWS apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates the community’s patience and understanding while repairs are being done.

Update 10/28/2021:
The BWS regrets to inform you that the pumper at its facility near Recreation Center 7 will continue to run daily until 6 p.m. for at least another week.

Here is what we now know:
• A rat got into our facility and damaged 6 special fuses, causing an electrical outage.
• Repair requires replacement of the 6 special fuses and these fuses are not easily found on-island.
• The BWS has 4 of the 6 fuses and is checking with Hawaiian Electric Company for the 2 remaining fuses.
• If Hawaiian Electric Company does not have the 2 fuses, then the BWS will have to order it from the mainland and have it shipped here.
We wish we had better news to share. Again, we are very sorry for the inconvenience to area residents affected by the noise and appreciate the community’s continued understanding while we work to obtain the fuses and make repairs as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated.

Mahalo and have a pleasant day,

Board of Water Supply

Final Update 10/29/2021 4:00pm:

GREAT NEWS!  The Board of Water Supply no longer needs to run the pumper at our other facility near Mililani Recreation Center 7.  We were able to repair  our facility that had lost power and it is up and running again.  

Please pass along the Board of Water Supply’s sincere appreciation to area residents for their patience and understanding while we ran the pumper to ensure continue continuity of water service and adequate pressures to the community during the repair.

This is the final update regarding this situation.

Thank you for helping us get the word out to Mililani residents!

Mahalo and have a pleasant weekend,

Board of Water Supply


October 29, 2021


Rec 7 Pool and Spa Closure – Updated

School Bus Update

Admin Office Closure