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Rec. 3 Closure Announcement

Attention all MTA members.  Rec. 3 will close for renovation on Friday, November 1, 2024.  It will be closed for approximately one year.

During the renovation, the entire facility will be closed, including the pool, the tennis/pickleball courts, the business office, the hall, and the parking lot.  The Admin. Office will be open during the renovation, with traffic modified in the parking lot to where the current exit will be both entrance and exit.  The current parking lot entrance will be closed to all except the construction crew.

During the closure, the building will be gutted down to its exterior walls.  The roof will be replaced with a new pitched roof covered with PV panels.  The windows, doors, flooring and lighting will all be replaced.  A café offering Starbucks drinks, shave ice and food/pastries/ice cream will be built.  A video arcade will be built.  A new tot-lot will be built outside.  The tennis and pickleball courts will be completely resurfaced.  Lastly, the bathrooms and showers will be rebuilt.

This project was included in our Reserve Study and will be paid for with MTA Reserve funds.  No loans or special assessments are required for this renovation.


September 24, 2024


R7 parking lot closed 2/19 8:30-11:30am


The Splash Park is open!